March 4, 2014


The Mustang Band Booster’s
 2014 Plant Sale

Hurray, hurray! Spring is almost here! It’s time to buy beautiful flowers for the garden, hanging baskets for the porch, and patio pots for the deck. Why shop at the big box stores, when you can buy them right here and right now at the Mustang Band Booster Plant Sale!

Students: Earn some money in your student account (~ 17%) by selling plants! Everyone loves fresh spring flowers, so they’re easy to sell. We offer excellent quality flowers and tomatoes from Nash Greenhouse in Kalamazoo, MI.  The plants are gorgeous, the prices are competitive, and delivery is just in time for Mother’s Day!

Even if you don’t know the difference between a petunia and a pansy….you can sell plants!

It’s Easy!

1.     Print the photos attached and show your relatives, friends, and neighbors. Or simply email them a brief personal note with a link to our website:
2.     Tell them you offer quality plants, competitive prices, and personalized free delivery. J
3.     Fill out the order form and collect their checks payable to Mustang Band Boosters.
4.     Turn in all order forms and checks by Thursday, April 17.    NO EXTENSIONS.
 Drop in the band mailbox, or mail to
             PLANTS – Attn: Craig Roselieb
             Downers Grove South High School
             1436 Norfolk Street
             Downers Grove, IL 60516
5.     Pick up all plants on SATURDAY, May 10, 9:00 am to 11:00 am, in the DGS south parking lot.
6.     Deliver the plants to your customers and watch them smile!

If you have any questions, please call the Plant Sale Coordinators, Bill and Charlene Kubik, at (630) 985-2860, or email them at

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